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Outgoing Suncor CEO on Competitiveness, Climate Change, Legacy
Suncor CEO urges business leaders to deepen ties with Indigenous groups
Ed Whittingham: Is the Alberta Climate Change Leadership Plan a Game Changer?
'EU needs CO2 tax to tackle climate change,' says Brussels top job hopeful Frans Timmermans
NEF CEO Miatta Fahnbulleh on what the government should do to tackle climate change on LBC
Alberta’s Big Climate Step: Discussion of the New Carbon Tax
Steve Williams accepts Peter Lougheed Award
Better promotion will lead business back to Canada's oil sands: OPEC president
Beto O'Rourke Announces $5 Trillion Climate Crisis Plan
[SL]RU 4.5.19 Is Climate Change News If It’s Not a Hurricane?
[SL]RU 4.6.19 Joanna Huxster Keynote: Public Understanding, Denial and Climate Change Communication
Meet the CEO of SunCor